Friday, 5 April 2013

aRABiAn nIGHt - SRM's DiNnEr !

# first trial pakai niqab #

# just take noted that I love both of u . a lot ! #

# opsss not ready yet ! sabar2 nk betolkan shawl ney jap ! #

#my fav picture . with ain ! #

# xsuka gambar ney sebab nmpak pendek .! #

 # ichi , ni , san ! buat muka ! #

# king of the night ~ yang tgah2 tue ye #

# senior2 SRM . sume kepala gila2 . tpi yang penting , sporting ! #

 # barisan MT SRM #

# kamera ! so just cmile ! #

# with anis najwa @ mcm gurlz korea dah kema tengok #

# ain , aini , ayue #

# nadz .  dgn keceriaan dye lah #

# asal gmbar kami bertiga je mesti tak jadi . hurmm :( #

# kema , Be a strong girl that everyone knew would make it through 

the worst, be that fearless girl, the one who would dare to do 

anything, be that independent girl who didnt need to rely on anyone 

but herself to make it, be that girl who never backed down ! #


# I'll be  a strong girl, Even with tears falling down my wet cheek, I 

can still say those 2 words, I'm fine. even I'm gembeng as what my 

johorian friend said @ always cries , but then I will stand and keep 

walking . tears are just the words waiting to be written .

so dont worry . I'll be fine . I'll smile , laugh and be happy as I am . 

It's just the way I am .#

# kakak kema ckp , Nabilah Hussin . 
" kema dah mcm puteri    . PINK ! yang penting gelang tetap ada . "
hehehhehe .
well saya memang puteri ISLAM pun . 
yang pasal gelang tue , no comment !